John Lusink
With a career that has spanned the better part of three decades, John Lusink is an accomplished leader in the real estate industry who currently serves as the president and broker of record at Right at Home Realty Inc. in Toronto, Ontario. John’s background and knowledge of commercial real estate sales has helped him lead Right at Home Realty to become one of Canada’s top real estate brands.
John Lusink is specifically distinguished in three areas: mergers and acquisitions, innovative operational solutions, and building high-performance teams.
In addition to his responsibilities at Right at Home Realty, John maintains an active role in organized real estate. He served as director for the 50,000-member Toronto Real Estate Board
(TREB) for six years and, most recently, served as the commercial director for the 2018 Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), an organization with 70,000 members. During his time at TREB, he served for two years as the chairman of the Government Relations Committee and as the chair of the Finance Committee.
An asset to any company in need of organizational restructuring, John has extensive experience delivering strategic commercial real estate deal planning and negotiating as a marketing manager for a major private real estate development firm. With the skill to attract and build accomplished management teams, John understands what is required to inspire people to deliver their best performance and achieve positive financial results.
John Lusink attended Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario and received his MBA from the University of Fredericton, New Brunswick.
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